An iPad is teacher’s very handy assistant! There is no doubt about this fact. You might want to go trough this very popular infographic that is given all explanations and clarification why is this so. The summary is in the 7 points below: Show on a Big Screen Manage the classroom Assess student work Interact…
Traveling to university: Safe travel tips for college commuters
Every day, college students commute to and from their schools. The costs of living in a dorm or close to campus can be a huge added expense for some, with the expense of commuting by car, train, bus, bike, or even walking a lot less. College takes up a lot of your time and thoughts…
How to engage modern learners in e-learning?
How to engage modern learners in e-learning?
Modern marketing factors not taught at college
These are not secrets. These are not marketing gems. They are not even original. They are just facts about marketing that you are not being taught in college. They are things that you learn with experience. When you learn something new about your professional, post it online and help others the same way this article…
How to be top legal secretary?
If you are considering a career as a legal secretary then you’ll be pleased to hear that there will always be plenty of work available! Legal secretaries have made themselves completely indispensable and lawyers know they couldn’t do half as good a job without them onboard. It’s the perfect solution for people that have got…
Secure your kids from online adult activities
The Internet opens windows to associate infinite world of data and recreation for kids, however it additionally offers outsiders access to them and contrariwise. Those your child interacts with might not perpetually be UN agency they claim to be. Not all the knowledge they get online is verified or true. Then there’s the danger of…
Media projects for teachers and students
Visual aids are essential in teaching. The use of these aids enhance the learning of students. One specific form is the use of media. As a teacher, you can use videos or slide shows in delivering the lessons to your students. Students can also create projects using these media to enhance their learning of the…
Redesign your logo
How does a brand become old fashion whenever a business reaches its highest peak? Why do such organizations upgrade their logo risking their corporate image and brand value? In our knowledge, a brand shows the initial information of the company, in other words a logo is simply the fact of the company. Is it fine…