Learning tools


Pros and cons of technology in classroom

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The rising demand for teachers’ aids

A helping hand for teachers The image of Arnold Schwarzenegger yelling at children to “shut up” in the movie Kindergarten Cop may be what sticks in people’s heads when they envision optimal management of preschool children. The majority of teachers have probably wished they could employ such methods at one stage or another, but educational…


Best mobile apps for online learning

Many students are surprised to hear that one of the most powerful tools for learning may be right in their pocket. Smartphones are more advanced than ever and they can provide students with some of the amazing resources through apps on their phones. From higher education and advanced courses to basic tools for students, here is…


Incorporating Google cloud in Android app

Google Cloud Endpoints will help you create an outstanding mobile application, since these are designed to facilitate developers to create a shared web backend by developing and hosting APIs conveniently. Let’s have a look at various sections below, to understand how it is used for accomplishing various tasks.


Are you online learner type?

If you are still considering taking online course or getting a degree, here are some of the most important points that you should consider deciding. It is important that you determine whether you are online learner type of person, so that you can make use of the online available resources. Have a look and let…


Software that can improve your writing

This article presents to your software that can help improve the written quality of your work. It cannot make you a better writer because that takes more than a bit of software, but it can help you follow the rules of written English a little better. Just be aware that there is no substitute for…


2 new and 2 old online education resources

At the present time, there are plenty of online educational resources that are empowering students. From online resources teachers and students not only understand complex topics clearly, but also enjoy the process of learning. Unfortunately, a large number of online resources are engaged in cheating student, therefore we should use trusted websites to avoid fraudulent…