Have you ever wondered if your children should learn robotics? If the answer is yes, it is likely that doubts have also assailed you, such as whether it is a subject that all children should learn, or simply those that show interest. We answer this below.
Robotics is a hot topic. It is quite present in the media and there is some concern with the increasingly evident reality that machines occupy people’s jobs. From there, to the development of artificial intelligence and the consequences that it will have.
So, robotics (or technology in general)it should not be taken just for entertainment as it is fundamental to the fate of humanity. Children, therefore, should know about robotics in order to train them and open the way to more possibilities when they are adults.
1. Robots are part of the future
Think for a moment: children learn science concepts from an early age because they explain how the world works. Why not apply the same argument to technology and increasingly robotics? These subjects have become a great pillar of modern life.
Those children who have knowledge of robotics will have more opportunities when it comes to evolving in society. They will be better able to literally control the world around them.
2. Robots are changing the labor market
It is not necessary to go to factories (or production lines) to see it. Even gas stations or supermarkets are being automated. And it’s not just about low-skilled jobs. Robot surgeons and robot doctors are already being developed that can assess symptoms by giving them access to a wealth of information that a human simply could not process.
So it seems that in the future the robotics market is going to be in vogue. People will be needed to program robots, buy and sell robots, perform optimal robot maintenance, or create and customize robots. And it’s important to understand that it’s not just about children becoming professional roboticists .
Lots of other disciplines will have to apply robotics within their industry. Even teachers will have to teach about it. And that is where projects such as the STEM challenge come into play.
3. Robotics help solve big problems
Many have the idea that robots are only useful in the domestic field (vacuum cleaners, kitchen robots, etc.), which is not bad because they free people from uninteresting tasks and give them more time to dedicate themselves to what really matters to them.
But the truth is that in other fields such as medicine, robotics has been advancing a lot for almost 10 years (robotic prostheses, medical wearables, robot surgeons, robot assistants, etc.), and artificial intelligence is already making its way into the medicine of tomorrow.
Who knows, maybe in the future robotics will help ensure that we all have access to clean water and food. That said, we must think that many problems that robotics solve are interdisciplinary .. A robot can help a biologist, an architect, a teacher, etc. to establish advances in your branch or detect an opportunity for a new product.
4. All children should learn robotics
As Aark Learnings has already explained before, it is a topic that is socially important enough for all children to learn about it. Parents and teachers should propose that it be included as a subject in schools. Otherwise, some children will not have the opportunity to access this knowledge (or even find out if it interests them).
Robotics equipment costs money and requires support and supervision, not all families can afford it and therefore their children would be denied the opportunity to have hands-on experience in the field.
Ideally, the new generations should have the opportunity to learn about robotics at school and then those children who have a great interest in the subject will be motivated from home by signing up for workshops, camps, etc. about robots.
5. Robotics help develop practical skills
Right now children spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer screen and hardly develop other skills. Where have been, for example, the crafts? Robot construction has something of this. It’s a fantastic way to develop spatial awareness, and fine motor skills and is capable of giving them a hands-on understanding of engineering concepts.
6. Learning to do things is a great virtue
Robotics as a hobby is booming. Arguably the modern equivalent of learning to knit or building a vegetable garden. Being able to do things that solve a real world problem as a hobby or just build something and see how it pays off is ideal for building self-esteem and seeing life in a more practical way. Because, believe it or not, it helps to establish the idea that solutions can be found to any problem that arises from day to day. Are you going to deny that to your children?
7. What other opportunities does robotics offer?
Pedagogical robotics also helps with the educational integration of boys and girls:
- Promote inclusion.
- It favors interaction.
- Encourage teamwork.
- Increases cognitive and motor skills.
- Improve motor skills.
Finally, it allows each child to “learn at their own pace.” As you can see, robotics in the educational environment presents advantages that go beyond training and learning.
Boys and girls learn, have fun and develop a curiosity that will help them grow both professionally and personally.
8. They will foster a taste for teamwork
If they get used to working in a team from a young age, when they enter the job market they will have an easier time adapting to teams.
It will open many doors for you in the professional field and also in daily life. They will learn to listen to others and to communicate. They will empathize.
Taking robotics as a discipline that helps children to seek useful and creative ends is fantastic. Even if they get to know enough they will be able to develop their own ideas and even find someone to collaborate with to make a bigger project. In conclusion, robotics is here to stay.
Make sure that your children acquire knowledge in this matter so that in the future, they grow as individuals and as a society. Have your kids already started learning robotics concepts?
Author: Archana Agarwal