Online Teaching and Learning


Online students’ habits

As you already know, one of the most valued aspects of online learning is that you can do it at home, in your local coffee shop, library and just about anywhere you want. Working students, parents, schoolars and active-duty military worldwide, can benefit from this particular characteristics of the online learning. Having this in mind…


Dos and dont’s for online learners

  Online Learning is becoming more valuable and more convenient way to achieve your educational goals. Regardless of the fact whether it comes in the form of an online video, online course, online degree or online vocational training, it is becoming more explored by the educators and the students. Before you plunge into online learning…


Blended learning intro

Blended learning is a formal education program, where student learns at least in part of the curriculum through online delivery of content and instruction, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace. Face-to-face classroom methods are combined with computer-mediated activities, that offers opportunity for data collection and customization of instruction and…


Advantages of e-learning in business

If you want to find out that e-learning can do for you, you can see this video Advantages of e-learning which will tell you why your organisation must move to e-learning from traditional classroom learning. Apart from overcoming the challenges of training, e-learning also guarantees an increased of ROI. The video includes the suite of solutions…