Creative Commons


6 awesome degrees and courses for creative people

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] If you are creative, choose a career that suits your talent. Creative industries are extensive and incorporate a wide variety of skills. Creativity doesn’t have to be limited to an arts degree – use your originality to think outside of the box when applying for a course or degree! There are lots of…


Pros and cons of technology in classroom

// (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: “ca-pub-7565936004394045”, enable_page_level_ads: true });   In a short amount of time, developing technologies have changed the landscape of the education system.  Students of the 21st century have grown accustomed to technology and good teachers have figured out how to implement it into their lesson plans.  As with everything…


Teach children how to communicate visually

Today’s kids have more avenues of communication than their parents could have imagined just a couple of decades ago. Smartphones, tablet computers and instant online access can enhance a child’s educational development, and also play an increasingly important role in helping shape later adult life. By giving kids the tools to communicate visually, you prepare…


How parents encourage children’s inquisition?

The fact that children come into the world with a seemingly unquenchable inquisition is a good thing for encouraging them to take an interest in their academic subjects. This natural curiosity is perfect for subjects (like science) that involve understanding the world around us. Here are some tips on nurturing this natural desire to explore.


How to seek counsel help while at University?

Many students find their university years particularly challenging, in which case seeking counselling help is the best thing for them to do so they can talk through their problems and find a way to cope with their depression or anxiety. If you feel like you need help to get through the next few years, read…


4 essential tips for saving money in college

College costs aren’t what they used to be, and students in college need to do whatever they can to save money when they’re enrolled in school. Nationwide Bank did a study on the spending habits of college students, and the average student needs to budget very carefully if they want to be able to afford…


3 Methods to successful self-education

Did you know that only 22% of men and 38% of women learn best by reading? The rest learn best through images, auditory, and hands-on experiences. So why do so many people choose to read a book when they want to learn a new subject? Self-education is great, but you need to make sure you’re…


How to write first class essay?

Start early! When you’ve been given a deadline which seems really far away, it’s easy to see it as an opportunity to kick back and relax until the week before it’s due. Don’t do this! An essay written in a pre-deadline panic will never reflect your true abilities. Break it up, do it bit by…


Make the most of your Master’s degree

If you choose to stay on at university following a first degree, it will often mean a substantial financial commitment (up to £6,000 in fees alone). There are good and bad motives for choosing this option. If you just see it as a way to delay entering the world of work, the cost in time…


How to get your kids interested in learning?

One of the biggest issues when raising children is their education. Many children have learning disabilities, are distracted by things outside of school, or just don’t seem to be interested in the current curriculum. As a parent, it falls on you to encourage the love of learning in your kids. One of the best ways…