As the world evolves, the need of new teaching methods is becoming more and more inevitable. Clearly, today’s students are no longer the same audience, as that of the traditional system of education. The current student generation is working on a different level, with different pace and completely altered approaches. Education as we know…
Top personality characteristics of successful teachers
Successful students are really the ones who listen to their teachers and whose teachers never give up on them. Most of the teachers who have a successful career and a huge student following comes from the fact that they constantly try to motivate and encourage their students to perform better. They reach out…
5 most common eLearning pitfalls
Online educators are quick to sing the praises of eLearning. It’s simpler, it’s easier, it’s more cost effective, and it provides you with the optimum environment for remote education.
How to be an active participant in a class?
In order to be considered successful among all the classmates of your class, it is crucial to be an active participant in the classes.
Top tips to motivate students in classroom
Sometimes even the brightest student in classroom needs motivation and by adopting quick, small strategies teachers and parents can make a huge difference in motivating. By adopting these strategies, boost up the student involvement with the particular lesson and stop distractions and interference. Each of the ideas given below was developed in order to…
Cisco and Wharton School present the learning experience of the future
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Cisco Connected Classroom: students virtually see a life-size, floor-to-ceiling view of the professor teaching on the opposite coast/location. The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Cisco unveiled the learning experience of the future, one that blends life-size visual communication via tele-presence with collaboration technologies that significantly enhance the way faculty, students and…
Give your classroom a summer revamp
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] As summer is knocking on the door, teachers and students alike get excited about the holidays. Thoughts tend to wander off to sunny beaches, picnics in the park, and general serenity. However, there is one important thing you as a teacher can do before the holiday season begins; prepare your classroom for…
How does a child get used to the classroom environment?
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] It’s always tough adjusting to new things, and children can get understandably stressed when going to a new school. Whether the family has moved or the child has advanced to a new school, whether it’s a public or private school, it helps to keep these tips in mind when a child faces a…
Khan: Education in 2060
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Salman Khan, founder of the Khan Academy, a not-for-profit online education provider, shares his thoughts on what the educational landscape will look like in 50 years. By 2060, he predicts three major shifts in education: a change to the classroom model, a change to the credential model and a change in the role of…
How to get pupils interested in activities they don’t like?
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] When I think back to high school, the overriding feeling I get is one of boredom. Don’t get me wrong; some of my lessons were great, but a significant number were lack-lustre and immediately conducive to demotivation. You might feel exasperated trying to engage your pupils, but with these easy tips on how…