30 August, 2014


2 new and 2 old online education resources

At the present time, there are plenty of online educational resources that are empowering students. From online resources teachers and students not only understand complex topics clearly, but also enjoy the process of learning. Unfortunately, a large number of online resources are engaged in cheating student, therefore we should use trusted websites to avoid fraudulent…


Time management and online MBA

Online MBA is one of the most successful examples of an e-learning course. However, we still remain a little skeptical about it. To understand about what online MBA is all about and how to manage your time is extremely important before you opt for this course. We are living in a day and age, where…


Why should kids blog?

With the everyday technology developing and its introduction in the education, children are gaining new skills that are helping them improve their skills and expand their knowledge. The infographic is showing why do you need to give children a chance in learning how to blog. Discover the positive benefits of blogging for kids by Dr.…


4 Tech tools that boost learning

In today’s world of technology, more and more students are using tech tools for smart learning. Technological tools are facilitating students with learning methods that are not feasible with conventional ways. Now students can collaborate with their teachers and class fellows in a digital way. Both students and teachers can enhance their class performance by…


Get ready for the job interview

So you have managed to sell your strengths to the interviewer, get ready for the job interview quite well, but what now? Well, now comes the time for the most dreadful question, ‘What in your opinion are your weaknesses?’ This is one of those questions that have been terrifying a number of individuals, especially the…


Modern technologies – Better results in learning

The 21st-century classroom is not an ordinary classroom anymore. Today classes are surrounded with digital whiteboards and innovative devices that are changing the way students learn. Teachers are also making greater use of modern technologies to teach students in-depth about their topic. Modern technologies have enabled the students to learn in an interesting way that…