
Google for entrepreneurs  - International expansion at Campus London

Google for enterpreneurs at Campus Londoon

Data Science courses launched in July 2015 will meet UK demand for data scientists and bring programs abroad, a leader in industry-focused education, announced its expansion internationally by launching data science courses at Campus London, Google’s startup and entrepreneur hub in East London, UK. There are more that 40,000 members, of Google’s Campus London,…


How to create e-learning project?

If you wonder who can create the e-learning course for your needs and have a unique insight of your needs, you might want to check How to create an e-learning project?


Everything you need to know about starting a tunnel boring company in 2014

If you’ve got a history of running successful construction companies, but you think it’s time for something a little more ambitious, starting your own tunnel boring firm could be the ideal solution in 2014. You’re obviously going to need a lot of startup capital, and so this opportunity is probably only open to people who’ve…


Tools for distributed e-learning

E-learning is becoming more and more present in an increasing number of social media. The tools that the people are currently using for distributed e-learning vary and get better with every new technology improvement. In the infographic below you will see which social media uses which tool, to introduce the e-learning. Feel free to plunge…