As an instructor at a private college, in spite of the fact that I have contact with the younger generation, I frequently find myself counseling adults thinking about returning to school to further their education. Actually, it is not that much a counseling session, as it is a bit of “a pep talk”. One of…
Learning opportunities in video games
Who would have ever thought that video games could improve the minds of those that play them? Amid all the cool graphics, the fantastic music, and the intriguing plots, educational opportunities are abound, and in order to find them, one only needs to look at them a little closer. Here are the positive sides of…
Everything you need to know about starting a tunnel boring company in 2014
If you’ve got a history of running successful construction companies, but you think it’s time for something a little more ambitious, starting your own tunnel boring firm could be the ideal solution in 2014. You’re obviously going to need a lot of startup capital, and so this opportunity is probably only open to people who’ve…
The big history project
Some say history is written by the winners or the rulers, then the others say that facts are facts no matter what, and that truth will eventually prevail. Regardless of the group of people you belong to, the history of our civilisation is very much explored subject and there are abundance of resources available, as…
How big is the Internet?
There’s no denying, the World Wide Web is big – expanding with every single day!! It’s so comprehensive and large that the creators of the Internet decided to place the word “wide” in its actual name. Obvious, right !! Internet has millions of websites with a seemingly infinite amount of web pages on each, all…