Traveling overseas to obtain an education is a bold move that requires careful research and understanding on your part as a student. Take time to plan and get to know your new home. Expect to experience culture shock, difficulty getting items that are familiar to you, and a different manner of thinking to your…
Understanding accreditation and its role in today’s online education
Accreditation is an entire process through which government regulatory authorities access, analyze, scrutinize and approve educational institutions in many terms. From appropriate educational quality standards up to ensuring these institutes’ ethical and lawful recognition, these accreditation authorities play an essential role in the overall management of today’s educational trends. We will critically explore accreditation…
Cisco and Wharton School present the learning experience of the future
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Cisco Connected Classroom: students virtually see a life-size, floor-to-ceiling view of the professor teaching on the opposite coast/location. The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Cisco unveiled the learning experience of the future, one that blends life-size visual communication via tele-presence with collaboration technologies that significantly enhance the way faculty, students and…