22 December, 2013


6 tools you may need in higher education

  If you’re getting ready to go off to college, you’ve probably thought about what you should bring. You might even have a packing list already. Before you consider you list complete, though, take a look at these six things that you may need – you might find out your list isn’t quite complete after…


Video is best for learning

The internet has made the world a very connected place. The mobile devices have granted us instant access to information and we are now entering a new phase of innovation — presenting information to reach people in real time, at any location, in a way that impacts them most. This is where video comes! It…


Find affordable housing at college

One of the top expenses of attending college is housing. Students typically face high costs for housing due to the limited housing units available on or near campus. Luckily, there are a few ways to try and get affordable housing.


9 Tips for collaborative learning

Collaboration facilitates students in project based learning. Collaboration helps students engage in various learning activities. By coordinating with each other, students are in more control of their tasks which results in increased productivity. The need of collaboration is particularly required for research-based tasks where students have to share knowledge across other members of the project.


Websites that dominate Internet

People have many different reasons for collecting and analyzing statistics on popular Internet sites. The most successful websites provide examples of proven web design techniques. In addition, successful Internet businesses provide relevant examples for entrepreneurs in many disparate industries. Highly analytical sites like www.internetworldstats.com provide fascinating information about the most successful modern websites. Though Google…


Benefits of online drivers’ education

Many people think that driving a car is pretty easy and that spending a couple of hours behind the wheel is all it takes to become a good driver, without having to read any books or attend classes that could provide them with the necessary theoretical knowledge. But, there is more to driving than just…


Mind maps and -to do lists- for the digital era

If you went to business school even as recently as a few years ago, you probably spent a lot of time learning about mind maps, to-do lists, and the importance of taking good notes. Such ideas sound antiquated to the latest batch of graduates, but the ideas behind the action of taking notes or drawing…