Distance Learning


Five ways MOOCs could change traditional colleges forever

MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, have the potential to directly and drastically alter the modern world of education. And, presently, they are on the rise. As these courses become more widely recognized and accepted and start counting the same as regular university courses, they are destined to change traditional college in several ways.


How to choose online degree courses?

With so many resources available online, you might wonder which one is the most reliable or best solution for your needs. The answer to these questions is not straight forward, but what can be said for sure is that Online degree programs have become the first choice of working individuals, who cannot visit far to…


Distance learning – distance education … How far away?

We live in an age where we e-mail a person instead of having a phone call, and we phone when we should speak in person. Hiding behind technology is an easy excuse, what is difficult for many to know in what medium is the most appropriate to communicate in. On-line has become the rage in…


Learning tips for distance learners

With the advent of information technology, more and more people are getting the full benefits from e-learning. Ones who were not able to finish their college courses due to some unavoidable circumstances can now get their college degree without having to resign or give up their current job. Distance learning is the better way of acquiring…


Short history of distance learning

Distance education has contributed to the goal of the generations of students, to have the opportunity to pursue their educational dreams outside the traditional educational institutions. Students are able to continue further their education and maintain their obligations with their families and employers. Distance education is not for everyone, but it has stood the test of…