

Language speed

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] In you want to know why some languages sound like they are spoken much faster than others this infographics will give you the answer. Sofya Yampolsky created this infographics based on the Universite de Lyon research, whose students wanted to explain the speed of language phenomenon! The Speed of Language infographic by sofyay.…


Google Chrome: More than a browser!

Most probably many of you are using Google to browse the web pages you want to find, on the things you want to explore, learn, have fun, find data, develop business, exchange information, do all different things you want to do in “the big white open If you are one of the more curious that explores…


18 ways to enhance your language skills

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] – Tips for teachers – You are probably aware that learning a language can be achieved easily id you are determined to learn it. With the available resources in the libraries, schools, and online courses it is only an excuse to postpone the learning of a foreign language that can improve your skills,…


4 tips for fast learning any foreign language

For many people, the idea of learning a foreign language can be exciting and intimidating, especially if the thought brings back memories of learning a second language in middle school or high school. The truth is that learning a foreign language is a lot easier than most people expect, particularly if you follow these four…


Why should you learn a foreign language?

If you did not know by now, there’s a lot to be gained from learning another language. Some of the things that can be mentioned as a benefits are career potential, new cultural values, brain exercise and few more… read on! by Sergio Fernandez.


UK vs US spelling: The same, but still different

English being the language of our age has its UK and US spelling differences. You might not have noticed them, thinking that there must be a typo, but what you should be aware is that there are different spellings of a number of words, as well as difference in pronunciation and actual use and meaning…


1 word = 179 meanings

The Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains 171,476 words in current use and 47,156 obsolete words. 9,500 derivative words included are considered subentries. More than half of these words are nouns, about a quarter adjectives, and about a seventh verbs – the rest is made up of exclamations, conjunctions, prepositions, suffixes, etc.…


Is Japanese the hardest language to learn?

Unfortunately, there’s no easy and definite answer to the question “Which is the most difficult language to learn” due to the huge amount of variables that the question raises, however for traditional, native English speakers, we do have a suggestion. First, we will discuss some of the considerations that have led to this conclusion. Country…


5 top tips for learning any language faster

Learning a new language is a fantastic goal and the sense of achievement it brings every time you further your knowledge is immense, particularly when you get to the point of being able to use your language skills to communicate in the real world. It’s not an easy thing to do though – often, becoming…