

How to choose educational software for children?

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] With the increased usage of IT gadgets and computers, we must admit that they have become an integral part of everyday life. More people own computers than ever before with the numbers continue to rise, better access to computers is being enabled and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of their…


Improve your typing speed

Learning to improve your typing speed could be the single most important thing you do between now and the end of 2014. Why? Because it is one thing that you can do that will serve you for the rest of your life. How fast can you type? How fast can you type accurately? If you…


Revealed secrets of online tests

Hours upon hours of a teacher’s time can be consumed by planning and assessing student achievements. Assessing what and how a student is learning can be difficult for numerous reasons because multiple methods of testing come into play: Identifying what students know and understand about a topic; Identifying what needs to be reviewed; Summarizing what has been…


How to type faster and be more productive?

With the rapid global technological advancements, learning how to type is one of the skills which are most treasured in the market. Typing is not in fact difficult – the real challenge is how to do it fast enough to keep up with the flow of your thoughts. To learn how to type faster, you…