It’s an extrovert’s world.
People with personable, outgoing personalities can make the most of almost any career. For the ultimate success, focus on jobs that require networking, people skills and group work.
Solo, desk jobs are not for you! Check out these five careers that can help any social butterfly spread his or her wings.
Anyone who has been in or spent time in a hospital knows just how important a nurse is. Patients and their loved ones typically interact more with nursing staff than doctors. Nurses not only administer medicine and monitor vital stats, they also make sure everyone feels secure. Being a nurse requires excellent social skills and the ability to put people at ease. If you love working with people and medicine, nursing may be your ideal career.
Instructional facilitator
Do you enjoy education, but don’t think teaching is for you? Consider a career as an instructional facilitator. Instructional facilitators work alongside principals, teachers and administration to ensure that students receive a quality education. In this position, you’ll be in charge of making sure the district’s policies for education are followed by teachers. You’ll also help teachers enhance lesson plans and brainstorm big ideas.
Social Media/Public Relations specialist
There’s no better time to be a social butterfly. From Facebook to Instagram, there’s a social media site for just about everything. If you enjoy a fast paced schedule and the latest technology, you’ll likely love working in social media and public relations. The ability to interact with your audience in a new and engaging way is key for this profession.
When you think outgoing personality and work, you probably think sales. A salesperson thrives off social interaction. You must know how to read people quickly and project confidence. If you have a chatty, charming nature, start browsing sales employment listings. Jobs like this one are often high demand.
Office manager
An office manager is usually the first person an employee or client interacts with each morning. A cheerful office manager makes everyone feel good and comfortable. This career requires a lot of social interaction as well organizational and multi-tasking skills. If you possess these traits, you will likely find a job as office manager to be an excellent fit.
A bubbly personality and some flexibility makes any job search easier. Keep these five careers in mind to take advantage of your strongest personal traits.