18 August, 2013


Mobile cloud computing has given a new dimension to data storage

  Mobile cloud computing is simply a special platform that combines cloud computing and mobile devices in order to come up with a system where a cloud does the function of carrying out intensive tasks, such as storing a large amount of data. Moreover, in this system the data storage, as well as data processing…


Masters degrees that don’t pay off

You have worked hard and finished your Masters’ studies, so now is the time to return the invested money in your education… but is it really going to be like this? Is your Masters diploma on the list of careers that do not pay off at all? Check the inforgraphic to find out: Source: BestMastersPrograms.org…


Your life in a suitcase: What to pack to study abroad?

So you’re studying abroad. It could be for a semester, a year, or maybe you splashed out to take your whole course abroad. Either way, it’s worth knowing what you need to bring. Studying abroad is a great opportunity. There’s something romantic about getting to live out of a suitcase for a while, it’s the…


Capturing your audience: the theatre of online publishing

In the age of the online wordsmith, writing and publishing is no longer restricted to lofty armchair philosophers and pipe-smoking literary prudes. The option of self-publishing and online publishing, once seen as a failing writer’s last resort, has become the new trend in online distribution.E-book publishers have had to learn the new rules of the…