Mobile cloud computing is simply a special platform that combines cloud computing and mobile devices in order to come up with a system where a cloud does the function of carrying out intensive tasks, such as storing a large amount of data. Moreover, in this system the data storage, as well as data processing usually happens out of the mobile device. Furthermore, it is very evident that the mobile devices we tend to use on daily basis, is marred with a number of challenges like; storage, which cloud computing, is trying to mitigate, battery life, and the processing power. However, mobile applications manufacturers have adequately used this architecture in order to bring out benefits such as; easy integration, improved reliability, and scalability, and extended battery life. Additionally, it has been bringing a great improvement in data storage capacity, and lastly there is an improved integration of data of data due to the ability of storing in one place while you can access it from anywhere.
Opportunities for using big-data in cloud computing: Nevertheless, cloud computing is an ideal solution for a relatively bigger data; this is because it gives unlimited resources on things like demand. Over the recent past, the IT specialists are recognizing the usefulness of cloud computing in performing bigger data analytics. Big data simply is the set of data that is difficulty to collect, visualize, analyze, and be able to process by the use of typical software like the database management systems. In addition, it is normally unstructured; however, it is now possible to manage this large open data storage solution, whether it is structured or unstructured. For example, data generated from social media, sensors and many more. Moreover, it is leading to discovery of new drugs, reliable weather forecasting among other things
Data elements: Moreover, when it comes to cloud computing there are certain elements of data that are very pertinent. For instance, the data can be of the following characteristics; structured, unstructured, and big data.
i) Aggregates: They are functions that perform a calculation of asset of values instead of single values. Mobile cloud computing is very essential in the following, spreadsheet systems and database management which do support a set of aggregate functions which can work on a range of selected data.
ii) Clusters: Cloud computing solutions such as Microsoft azure, gives basic computation as well as data storage. More so, it never permit custom designing of network topology format, nevertheless chances of influencing network topology parameter is vital in cluster solutions.
iii) Data privacy: Moreover, in this IT architecture it ensures that no third party accesses the data, because it has been specially designed to impose security measures.
iv) Data integration: Additionally, it allows data integration ranging from synchronization of data, to the typical data extraction. Improved integration of data allows the system to have the ability of storing in one place, while you can access it from anywhere.
Underlying data is consistent: Mobile cloud computing is also very beneficial, because it has the ability to give consistent data as they is no loss of data whatsoever, as well as it stores data safely.
Ensures data is high quality: In conclusion, this technique has been well crafted in such a manner that, the data it stores in bulk is properly saved without any omission of data.
Author ‘s bio:Deney Dentel is the CEO at Nordisk Systems, Inc., a managed and cloud computing service provider company in Portland, OR. Deney is the only localised and authorised IBM business partner in Pacific Northwest. You can also follow him on LinkedIn.