Mental health


Hyperactive child or else?

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] I don not think that there is anyone in that has not taken, does not take or will not take a medication for something. Regardless whether it is high blood pressure, diabetes, prostate problems, thyroid dysfunction, ulcers, flue, cold, or depression just to name a few. Not to mention that medication is something…


Teacher’s guide to social media

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Teacher are no longer left to a board and a class. They have many aids that help them make the classes better and make them become more proficient and provide higher quality education. Read the infographic below and tell us your comments:


Who’s teaching the babies? New revolutionary edu resources

  Establish and affirm a baby’s unique identity and purpose Maybe you already know that babies’ development begins in the mothers’ womb, but what you might know is that you can teach the babies while they are in the mothers’ womb. It might seem odd to you, but for Dr. Melodye Hilton it does not…


The zen way to succeed in life

Take a look around you and have a look at the happy people for a while. The ones who seem to thrive and look at the positive, even in the darkest of situations. The people who are happy even though they are poor. Happy even when they are sick. Happy in the most unfortunate of…


Who is responsible for school bullying?

The media tends to glamorize incidents that are extreme in nature and lack rationalization. One hot topic issue that has been trending in legal circles is bullying. This is because bullying in today’s world can happen not just on a school bus, playground or classroom, but at home via social media and text messaging at…


How to seek counsel help while at University?

Many students find their university years particularly challenging, in which case seeking counselling help is the best thing for them to do so they can talk through their problems and find a way to cope with their depression or anxiety. If you feel like you need help to get through the next few years, read…