Learning how to type comes easy to some people, but we all had to start somewhere. You can luckily find a lot of accurate typing services to help you improve your skills. Speed typing is usually the goal for many novices, but accuracy is much more important. You do not want to spend hours typing away, only to spend more hours correcting your mistakes. It is important to get your typing right from the get-go.
You also want to keep in mind that it takes a lot of time to develop this skill. As long as you keep up with regular training, you will improve. We are constantly on our computers, so we assume most people know how to type. It takes a different level of typing when you need to get an essay done. You also use typing skills a lot in your career. We are going to look at some of the best self-training typing tools out there.
1. Keybr
This tool is great because it tests your typing skills before you start to practice. It gives you a baseline, which is a great idea for you to measure your improvement. It’s like having an online tutor at your fingertips (pun intended).
2. TypingAcademy
As the name suggests, this website focuses completely on teaching you to type. The process is fairly easy and anyone can start. You can expect tests that are focused on improving speed but also accuracy. Finger placement is one of the most important factors for accurate typing.
3. LearnTyping
Another great website to teach yourself to type faster has to be this one. It is free to use and you it definitely was created for beginners and advanced. The website also caters for various ages, so you can start young and work your way up. This is great for a student, as well as a professional typist.
4. FreeTypingGame
Learning should not be difficult and boring. You can learn a new skill and still have fun. This website is really great because it combines the two factors. You are going to feel like you are messing around, but you are actually learning how to type.
5. EasyType
You want to find a website to help you improve your typing, but it needs to be easy to navigate. It could not be easier than this one. The lessons start off easy and then slowly build up to a more advanced level.
6. SpeedTypingOnline
With this one, you can set your own speed to start with. This way, you can measure as time goes on. You also can create a custom program. Not everyone is at the same level when it comes to learning something new. You should be treated as an individual.
7. TypingClub
Most of these websites have the same concept. It could be because this method actually works. Typing is all in the amount of time you spend practising. There is no shortcut to getting to your goal. When you think of letter typing you have to start on the top and work your way down.
8. Sense-Lang
You are presented with 16 lessons on this website. After that, you can use the tool to continue with your own words. It is easy and fun to use and help you improve your typing accuracy. It is based on both speed and accuracy.
9. GCFLearnFree
This is more than just a typing lesson. They offer various lessons, but the typing one is amazing. You can go on there right now and find a lesson perfect for your own typing needs. It’s easy to use and makes a huge difference in your skill levels.
10. Peter’s online typing course
Easily find this amazing website through a quick Google search. You can get so much value out of this site.
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Learning to type is a necessary skill for our digital times. You can use this in many aspects of your career and life. It helps you prepare for long assignments at work and school. Use the tools available to you online. If you need any typing down in a hurry, you can find many typing services at a minimal price.
Author: Karla Long