Are you interested in science, but not sure how to get started learning more about the subject?
Some emerging scientists are put off, worried that the costs associated with the genre might become crippling. However, there are plenty of ways to take advantage of your thirst for science without having to break the bank. Here are five ways to maximize learning on the cheap.
1. Equipment
Some good equipment is crucial for an emerging scientist, but the items can get pricey. Equipment like cheap microscopes, bunsen burners and beakers can be purchased at a deep discount online, and will go a long way to getting a small but functioning lab up and running.
2. Books
Don’t underestimate the value of a good science library. You can find informative volumes at second hand shops or online auction sites. You can even check out your local library to find texts in a number of science subjects, so you can peruse the science genres you are most interested in at little to no cost at all.
3. Internet
Likewise, the Internet is an excellent resource for learning more about the subjects that call to you. Academic essays and papers are often published online for free. You can even download chapters from your favorite books to print out your own library of sorts. You can also get ideas for different experiments online to spark your imagination.
4. Experiments
As mentioned above, experiments are a key way to go from just reading about science to gaining some practical knowledge of the subject. Hands on learning is always the best after all. Compose some hypotheses to try out, then put your ideas to the test. You can experiment cheaply on all manner of things, from the growing habits of plants to seasonal patterns in weather.
5. Audit a class
Finally, don’t forget the coup of learning from a professional in the field. While college courses are often expensive in tuition, you can often audit a class for free. Auditing means sitting in on a class in which you won’t receive course credit, but you still get to pick up all the beneficial science information for free.
Science learning is something that can be incredibly beneficial, be it for a future university degree or to move forward in your chosen profession or field.
Use just some of these strategies to get some new information on the cheap, and don’t hesitate to encourage that thirst for science knowledge.