With the increased interest for online education, the number of web pages offering online education information is significantly increasing. This competition is not doing any harm to anyone, particularly not the students or interested parties in distance learning. Here are some of the most commonly visited placed where you can gain information about the online studies in more details.
1.Fast web Fast web is the premium online resource, where you can find information about paying and preparing materials for college. They have been established 15 years ago and have been providing students with the resources for educational pursuits : from college search in high school to first job after graduation. Fastweb members have an opportunity to be matched to relevant scholarship opportunities completely free of charge. The data base has roughly 1.5 million scholarships worth over $3.4 billion, for every student.
2.College Board The College Board is following their goal — to ensure that every student has the opportunity to prepare for, enroll in and graduate from college. They are not-for-profit membership association representing more than 5,900 colleges, universities and schools, and are a leader in national and international level working to improve access to and readiness for higher education.
3.Fin aid Find aid offers free scholarship info, as well as online programs info. Apart from these info, they have extensive experience in online education exchange of information, coming back from 1994. The site has been awarded numerous number of times and has grown into the most comprehensive source of student financial aid information, advice and tools – on or off the web.
4.College-scholarships This website is developed by the American Educational Guidance Center, Inc. AEGC is owned and managed by Mary and Dan Rosenfield, both career educators. The American Educational Guidance Center websites currently include: College-scholarship Online degree and scholarships Online college and degrees Guaranteed scholarship College athletic scholarship Get recruited The big brain College admission profiles
5.Scholaships’ links Scholarships-Links.com offers a range of scholarship and fellowship sources from governments, universities, corporate and non-profit organizations. Scholarships-Links.com has recent updates on masters, undergraduate and postdoctoral scholarships and PhD students.
6.Scholarships Scholarships.com was established in 1999 to help students find money for college, as well as learn about the entire financial aid process. They are one of the most widely-used and trusted free college scholarship’s search and financial aid information resources on the Internet. They have been recognized by high schools, colleges and universities nationwide. Their services are for students,High School Counselors, College admission staff and advisers.
7.US news The education segment of this web page offers comprehensive overview of the online scholarship opportunities, it has numerous educational blogs, and a college compass to find your way around. The short list of the college and companies hiring graduates from numerous schools are a plus.
8.Scholars for development Scholarships for Development, is an updated listing data base of international scholarships for people from developing countries, people who would like to pursue development in related fields, and everyone who seeks global and national development through further education. The web page has comprehensive list of online universities’ scholarships from all over the world.
9. web pages Virtual College -UK Virtual learning – Canada Virtual education- New Zealand Virtual LRC Edu google
- Accredited schools online Comprehensive accreditation resource for anyone helping to select a college.