Congratulations on your first move!
Whether you’re heading off to college, starting a new job, or simply getting your independence for the first time, moving out of your family home is a huge step. Moving out doesn’t have to be stressful and scary. With a few quick hints, you can make your move with ease. Grab your boxes and read on to find out how. You might be nervous to make the big move, but we’re here to help with five tips.
Enlist your friends
Moving is easier with a few extra hands. You might need help with heavy furniture, so find a few buddies for extra strength. Look through your contacts for a friend with a truck or trailer if your vehicle is too small for all your possessions. If you don’t have a bigger vehicle, just use everyone’s cars at once so you don’t end up making more than one trip.
Settle your finances
You’ll need to pay rent and utility bills in your new place so make sure you’re financially secure by requesting a credit report and checking your savings through your bank. Put aside money from your paychecks for food, clothing, and entertainment and make sure you’re ready for that monthly rent bill. If you are going to need your own transportation make sure you are practical about your needs. Students might be able to use buses and train passes while starting a new job might require a new car. Look at used options at places like the Autobank of Kansas City and get a good loan you can pay back quickly.
Decide what you really need
Don’t start your new move with too much stuff. When packing, consider making three boxes at a time for things to throw away, donate, and keep. You should also check your new place to see if it comes with furnishing and appliances such as a microwave or vacuum to save money and space with your move.
To store or not to store
If you’ve lived at home for a long time, chances are you own a lot of possessions. You may need to look into storage options if you can’t bear to part with your belongings. Ask your parents or friends if you can use their space as well since extra closets won’t cost you as much as a storage locker.
Join the community
Moving far away? To save yourself from loneliness, look into community events in the area. If you’re moving to an apartment, make friends with your neighbors who can even help with any emergencies. If you’re moving into a dorm, talk to your fellow students about activities that you’re interested in. You don’t want to feel adrift in your new place so make an effort to make friends and get more involved.
Hopefully these tips will help you with your first move. It’s most important you feel comfortable and secure before moving out. Give yourself a pat on the back for asserting your independence, and moving out will be a breeze.