In order for you to get into business school, you are required to write a GMAT exam. This exam is a worry for many MBA hopefuls. You might have a lot of experiences and skills that qualifies you to do an MBA. This is a consideration at the moment and can help students get into the program without writing this exam. It is definitely not an easy one to pass and thus causes a lot of doubt.
You can apply for an MBA with GMAT waiver, but you have to go about it smartly. Not everyone who applies for this waiver will be accepted. You are going to have to prove that what you have done so far will be sufficient to you succeeding at the program. This is also helpful for students who have a low GMAT score and still want to continue to acquire an MBA. If this sounds like you, these tips will benefit you greatly.
Well written letter
In order to successfully receive a waiver from the GMAT exam, you will need to write a winning letter. This is not going to be any school essay type of letter. It needs to be the best letter you ever wrote in your life. Your GMAT waiver letter is dependent on what you put down on paper. Make sure you show that you have the professional skills to take on this challenge. Give examples wherever possible to prove that you have taken some steps towards this program. Another great idea is to look at examples of successful letters online. This can serve as motivation for your own motivation letter.
Demonstrate growth
Throughout your career, there has been some achievements and some downfalls. Both of these are important if you achieved growth. Showcase how you took what you have been through and how you evolved professionally. Be sure to speak about leadership skills. This is what they will be looking for. You also want to make sure the program you chose is in line with your skills. These skills are going to come in handy once you are accepted.
Another great point to bring up is to speak about your ability to solve problems. You can use one of the examples of where this is applicable. An application for a waiver letter is all about showing that you are ready. You will face a lot of complications during your MBA program. Let it be known that you have the ability to go through the motions and come out on top. What situation did you face and come up with a solution? You need to become a professional storyteller to get this right. Do not just mention the problem and a summarized version of the solution. Go in details and explain all of the steps you took to get this resolved.
Academic scores
You will help yourself a lot if you have good grades to bring to the table. This is definitely a bonus. Do not let it bring you down if you don’t have this benefit on your side. Good academic scores are always going to be good when applying anywhere, but it does not limit you. If you don’t bring that to the table, mention the reasons in your letter. There could have been valid reasons, but the board won’t know it unless you explain. Boast where you can and explain where you believe there is the valid reason to. This is all you can do at this point. Work experience trumps academic scores most of the time.
These steps will get you closer to getting your GMAT waiver letter. A lot of universities do not accept this letter, so be sure to check if it is an option. You also have some programs that don’t require you to write the GMAT exam. Always check these requirements before you go ahead and apply. There are a lot of people who have successfully completed their MBA without the inclusion of the GMAT exam scores. Also factor in the time it takes for you to receive your waiver letter. You don’t want to miss the cut-off date of the program you are planning to join.
Author: Karla Long