The use of online review sites like Angie’s List and Google+ Local has many companies in a tizzy. If your company is receiving negative online reviews, it’s possible that your online brand and reputation can be greatly affected.
Because of this, many companies are wondering if they should invest their time in tracking online reviews. While some companies think it’s a great idea, others think it’s a worthless tactic. If you’re tossing between monitoring online reviews or leaving them alone, the following are pros and cons of tracking online reviews that can help you make a better decision.
Pro: It can teach your more about what your customers think.
Tracking online reviews is great, because it allows you to get an inside view as to what your customers think. You can use the information to learn what your customers want and what they expect, and you can also learn what your company is doing right and what your company is doing wrong. All of this is valuable to helping your company provide your customers with the best possible products and services in order to remain successful.
Con: It’s overwhelming.
If you’re new to the online review world, you may not know where to start. Trying to figure out how to track online reviews can be difficult. There are so many review sites out there, and even though you can use a monitoring tool like Review Trackers to help you, it can still be overwhelming.
Pro: It allows you to interact with your customers.
Online review sites provide you with the ability to interact with other reviewers. You can reach out to a customer that left you a great review and thank them for taking the time to write such a nice review. You can also reach out to customers that left negative reviews and apologize for their mishap and offer to make it right. This type of interaction sits well with your customers, and it can help you stand out from your competitors.
Con: It can be time consuming.
While online tracking tools like Review Trackers will send you e-mail notifications when new reviews are created, the initial introduction into online reviews can be time consuming. In order to have a better online presence and in order to be able to use online reviews to interact with your customers, you need to claim your business on online review sites. Since there are plenty of online review sites on the Internet, you may find it time consuming to claim your business on each and every one.
Pro: It can help you give your customers what they want.
Every customer wants something specific from the companies they patronize, and tracking online reviews can help you give your customers what they want. For example, if your customers are using online review sites to state items they wish you had on your menu or hours they wish you had, you can use this information and provide them exactly what they want. By listening, you are earning their repeat business.
Con: You may have to hire another employee.
With review monitoring tools, online reviews are sent directly to your inbox, but that doesn’t mean you’ll have the time to actually read and manage them. Instead of putting the responsibility on another employee, you may need to hire a review manager in order to take on this responsibility.
Jacob Smith is an expert reviews tracker and avid blogger from Miami. He is currently teaching others how to track online reviews.
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