College can be a stressful time for students wherever they may be. Not only are you becoming an adult and taking on some large responsibilities, you are also exposed to all sorts of peer pressure and newly found freedom. Finding a way to handle that pressure and get rid of stress is essential. This article will provide six tips for getting rid of stress while in college.
Taking a trip home for a weekend can be a good way to get rid of stress. Visiting family often provides you with an outlet and ability to communicate with someone who you can rely on. During the summer going abroad can help many students to put their studies into perspective. Your parents can help to ease the process of being by yourself and the stress that comes with it.
Visiting friends is also an opportunity to relieve some pressure. Visit some at another school, so you can have someone to relate to who is in a similar situation as you are. Have some fun and take your mind off of your classes. Visiting another campus can also help you understand your school and classes a bit more.
Step out of your comfort zone
Working out and exercising your body as well as your mind is a great way to lose some of the stress from classes. Exercise helps people deal with stress and cope with certain difficulties they may be experiencing. If you don’t like lifting weights then jog. There are plenty of ways to burn off stress with exercise.
Part of college involves experiencing new things. It doesn’t have to be stressful. Try taking a class on something you always wanted to learn as a way of getting less stress but still taking a class. A relaxing fun class with a lenient grader can be a good way to raise your grade point average and relax for at least one class a year. Alternatively try socializing with other types of people outside your typical social group. You just may grow as a person as well.
Taking it easy
Another way to get rid of stress is to take a class pass fail, so you aren’t graded on it. That way you will have less pressure from your school work and can devote less time to that class. With a pass fail option the pressure is off and you can still learn something that can help you in your career.
Part of college is partying and getting drunk. Drinking occasionally and socializing with others is a great way to she’d the stress that college can bring with it. Take a night off from school and experience fun at a restaurant or bar with other students or friends. Drinking too much can lead to additional stress so be careful with yourself and don’t take it easy all to often.
School can lead to stress which can lead to various health problems. Use one of the methods noted above or other ways to help burn off some of the stress that you picked up along the way. You may feel more relaxed and up to the challenges of college as a result of your efforts.
This blog post was written by Eduardo D., blogger at Prestige Tracker. Eduardo is a 1st generation American born Cuban that is currently in pursuit of his AA Degree at Valencia.