coursera rakuten

Climate Change and Health: From Science to Action

Climate Change and Health: From Science to Action

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ Climate change is arguably the greatest public health threat we face. To address it successfully, health and environmental professionals, advocates, and others need to acquire new skills and a deeper understanding of its challenges and solutions. This specialization is for those who wish to understand the impact of climate change on…

Статистические методы анализа данных

Статистические методы анализа данных

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ В этом курсе мы поговорим про статистические методы анализа данных. Мы подробно обсудим, как статистика связана с машинным обучением и какое место она занимает среди наук о данных. Поговорим о том, что есть два великих вопроса: “Как устроен мир?” и “Что будет дальше?”. В зависимости от того, на какой вопрос мы…

Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch

Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch

 Buy Price: 50.00 $ The course will teach you how to develop deep learning models using Pytorch. The course will start with Pytorch’s tensors and Automatic differentiation package. Then each section will cover different models starting off with fundamentals such as Linear Regression, and logistic/softmax regression. Followed by Feedforward deep neural networks, the role of…

Preparing for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam

Preparing for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ Microsoft certifications give you a professional advantage by providing globally recognized and industry-endorsed evidence of mastering skills in digital and cloud businesses. In this course, you will prepare for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam. You will refresh your knowledge of cloud concepts, Microsoft Azure services, Microsoft Azure workloads, security and…

Operations Management: Analysis and Improvement Methods

Operations Management: Analysis and Improvement Methods

 Buy Price: 79.00 $ In this course, you will learn about the role of operations and how they are connected to other business functions in manufacturing and service-focused organizations. You will learn and practice the use of decision-making frameworks and techniques applicable at all levels, from management-level strategic decisions such as connecting process to the…

European Citizenship

European Citizenship

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ All citizens in the EU are granted a European Citizenship on top of their national citizenship. The European citizenship was formally established when written into the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993, but had gradually matured through a longer historical process. Over time, it has developed into becoming a very important, substantive…

Big Data: el impacto de los datos masivos en la sociedad actual

Big Data: el impacto de los datos masivos en la sociedad actual

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ La digitalización, la informática e Internet han producido lo que se puede denominar una revolución en la acumulación y utilización de datos. Podemos almacenar y conservar más datos que nunca antes en la historia. Podemos estudiarlos y analizarlos para tomar decisiones y mejorar procesos. Esta nueva capacidad tiene un enorme impacto…



 Buy Price: 29.00 $ 这是一个全球化、信息化、快餐化的时代;全球化拷问着人们的文化根基,信息化拷问着人们的价值信仰,快餐化拷问着人们的经典阅读。 民族的就是世界的。为继承弘扬中华文化传统,我们特意打造这门课,希冀提供一个阅读哲学经典、传承中国文化、铸造民族精神的平台,让中国文化走向世界、走向未来。 本课分十个专题,分别介绍《周易》、孔子《论语》、老子《道德经》,《大学》与《中庸》,《庄子》,《孙子兵法》,《墨经》,《心经》,以及朱熹理学、王阳明《传习录》等著作和人物的思想。既有对儒释道经典的介绍,也有对理学、心学思想的阐释,以期以一种更广阔的视角看待中国传统哲学,让学生能够对中国传统哲学有一种全方位的认识。 课程大纲 第一章 《周易》导读 第二章 《道德经》导读 第三章 《论语》导读 第四章 《大学》《中庸》导读 第五章 《孙子兵法》导读 第六章 《墨经》导读 第七章 《心经》导读 第八章 《庄子》导读 第九章 朱熹理学相关著作导读 第十章 《传习录》导读

Population Health During A Pandemic: Contact Tracing and Beyond

Population Health During A Pandemic: Contact Tracing and Beyond

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ Throughout history, pandemics have devastated populations and changed the trajectory of mankind. The global effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic have disproportionately affected certain regions and population groups. This course provides an overview of the far-reaching impact of COVID-19 and presents contact tracing as a tool to mitigate the spread of…