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For years, English language courses have had an important role in colleges and universities. Today, some schools have started referring to ESL students as non-native speakers of English instead. In any case, several reasons exist as to why colleges should keep these English language courses.
Addressing non-native speakers
Plenty of students come over from other countries to study here, and they can be from all over the world. Some of them come from Asian countries, others hail from Spanish countries and still others come from places in Europe. Regardless, learning how to speak English is certainly a challenge, and some of these courses help them to accomplish that goal. The courses that do this are the ones designed for students who do not speak English as their first language.
Enhancing writing skills
When you are studying at a college or university, communication is not just about the way you speak. Students also need to learn how to write effectively and properly to succeed in their academic and occupational careers. These classes help them to focus on basic issues of writing. For example, in Spanish, the adjective comes after the noun. An English language course can teach students that in English, the noun comes after the adjective. Learning simple rules such as this one really helps students thrive in future courses.
Bonding with other students
Coming to an entirely new country, especially when you do not have a firm grasp on the language, is very frightening. Many students are overwhelmed by the experience, and they miss the support system that they have back at home. Fortunately, when they are in these classes, they have the opportunity to mingle with many students from other countries or who are, at least, going through the same experience as them. As a result, they are able to build a support system. They can work with each other on learning the skills of English and getting through other difficult situations they encounter in this educational journey.
Training for Tutors and Teachers
Now, not all of these classes are designed for students who are coming from a foreign country. In fact, plenty of courses exist that actually teach other people how to teach students of another language. At some colleges and universities, these courses are offered only at the graduate level. Interested parties will have to go through their undergraduate years in another discipline, such as English, and then they can switch when they start to work on their masters degree. Many colleges also have writing centers on the school campus. Students can take a course offered for teachers of ESL to learn techniques, so that they are better equipped in assisting the students who visit the on-campus center.
Some schools do not necessarily feel that ESL courses are necessary anymore. Instead, they want to put their money into other endeavors. However, a large population of people exist who can really benefit from these types of classes. This group of people absolutely includes those who want to learn English and those who want to teach.
Author’s Bio:
John Yopp understands the importance of teaching students English so that they are prepared for what the future brings. If you are interested in taking ESL courses, he highly recommends the English School of Canada for their knowledgeable instructors and great programs. For more information, visit their website now.