Computer Software~~Educational Software

Introdução aos Negócios

Introdução aos Negócios

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ Este Programa de Cursos Integrados tem como objetivo explorar as várias disciplinas da área de negócios: marketing, finanças, gestão de pessoas, operações e estratégia. Além disso, aprofunda-se em temas contemporâneos da área de negócios como: gestão de stakeholders, sustentabilidade e ética empresarial, gestão da inovação, empreendedorismo, diversidade, globalização e desglobalização e…

Data Mining Foundations and Practice

Data Mining Foundations and Practice

 Buy Price: 79.00 $ The Data Mining specialization is intended for data science professionals and domain experts who want to learn the fundamental concepts and core techniques for discovering patterns in large-scale data sets. This specialization consists of three courses: (1) Data Mining Pipeline, which introduces the key steps of data understanding, data preprocessing, data…

William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night: Comedy, Conflict, and Community

William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night: Comedy, Conflict, and Community

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ This course introduces and explores William Shakespeare’s classic comedy, Twelfth Night. Interviews with actors who appeared in the Colorado Shakespeare Festival’s 2019 production of Twelfth Night, as well as lectures by scholars and theater professionals who work and teach at the University of Colorado Boulder, offer students insight into Shakespeare’s artistic…

Predictive Modeling with Logistic Regression using SAS

Predictive Modeling with Logistic Regression using SAS

 Buy Price: 50.00 $ This course covers predictive modeling using SAS/STAT software with emphasis on the LOGISTIC procedure. This course also discusses selecting variables and interactions, recoding categorical variables based on the smooth weight of evidence, assessing models, treating missing values, and using efficiency techniques for massive data sets. You learn to use logistic regression…



 Buy Price: 29.00 $ 学习了基本的数据结构后,我们已经可以用程序来解决现实中的一些问题了。但是,怎样提升程序在运行效率呢? 如何快速地把图书按序号从小到大整理好?如何通过一个ID编号在数据库中高效地查找相对应的信息?如何迅速找到所有内容中含有”数据结构”的文档?《高级数据结构与算法》将通过使用高级的数据结构和高效的算法,让你学会如何解决这些对运行时间要求比较严格的问题。 高级数据结构和算法能够根据实际情况,满足一些复杂问题对数据规模、运行时间的要求,帮助我们更有效地解决问题。当我们面对实际问题的时候,高级数据结构和算法让我们有更广泛的空间,选择出与问题本身最为契合的数据结构,并利用相关算法来提升运行效率。 完成这门课之时,你将掌握多维数组、广义表、Trie树、AVL树、伸展树等高级数据结构,并结合内排序、外排序、检索、索引有关的算法,高效地解决现实生活中一些比较复杂的应用问题。合理使用这些高级数据结构和相关算法是程序运行效率的关键因素,学好这门课会让你在之后的计算机专业课程以及项目设计中更得心应手,同时也将让你站在更高的角度去理解问题、设计程序。

Negociación 4.0

Negociación 4.0

 Buy Price: 29.00 $ Negociar es algo que hacemos todos los días y en todos los ámbitos. La mayoría de las personas enfocan la tarea de negociación más a su intuición que a un proceso sistemático y de aprendizaje continuo. Este primer módulo del Curso “Arte y Ciencia de la Negociación” te permitirá identificar las…

Développement psychologique de l’enfant

Développement psychologique de l’enfant

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ Comment se développent les enfants? Quelles sont leurs compétences perceptives, affectives et sociales? Quels sont leurs besoins? Telles sont les questions auxquelles répond ce MOOC. Nous vous apporterons des informations claires, validées scientifiquement et accessibles, que vous soyez parents, grands-parents, étudiants, professionnels de la petite enfance ou tout simplement désireux de…