

9 Tips for collaborative learning

Collaboration facilitates students in project based learning. Collaboration helps students engage in various learning activities. By coordinating with each other, students are in more control of their tasks which results in increased productivity. The need of collaboration is particularly required for research-based tasks where students have to share knowledge across other members of the project.


6 Things every chemistry teacher could always use

Are you a first-time chemistry teacher? An experienced educator tired of running out of crucial supplies? Here’s a quick list of chemistry equipment that disappears faster than your class when you say “pop quiz.”


The growing value of business education for women

In today’s rapidly changing economy, there’s no better path to achieve career goals than higher education. In the world of business, this may be even truer. Gone are the days when simply having a marketable idea and entrepreneurial talent was enough, in post-recession America, in-depth training in the highly complex world of contemporary business is…


5 Reasons why online education might be right for you

Have you been thinking about going back to school? Getting your degree can increase your earning potential while allowing you to grow in your chosen profession. For those who are thinking about returning to college, why would it make sense to pursue your degree online?


5 Ways to get a higher return on your investment in college

When it comes time to go to college many students are put under a lot of pressure to have a good experience. For those college students who are looking at higher education as an investment though, there are some definite ways to get a higher return on one’s investment. For instance, students can:


4 essential tips for saving money in college

College costs aren’t what they used to be, and students in college need to do whatever they can to save money when they’re enrolled in school. Nationwide Bank did a study on the spending habits of college students, and the average student needs to budget very carefully if they want to be able to afford…


Great ways to save money while attending college

College can be very expensive, even with financial aid and scholarships. Everything from textbooks, transportation, food, entertainment and supplies, these all cost money. Learning responsible financial management will prove to be important during college years and beyond. College students can avoid creating a large amount of debt by looking for ways that they can save…


3 Methods to successful self-education

Did you know that only 22% of men and 38% of women learn best by reading? The rest learn best through images, auditory, and hands-on experiences. So why do so many people choose to read a book when they want to learn a new subject? Self-education is great, but you need to make sure you’re…


6 Key points for finding high-quality academic software

The field of education has a reputation for never having a ceiling when it comes to the amount of information one can receive. With technology continuing to advance, the number of digital instruments has greatly increased the amount of platforms on which both teachers and students can exchange information. As these devices begin to influence…


Everything you need to know about online college accreditation

Online colleges are everywhere, and they’re becoming a more legitimate way to get educated every day. However, there are still plenty of online “schools” that are nothing more than scams to get students to hand over their money. The difference between a legitimate school and a scam school is whether or not that school has…