27 May, 2016


Upgrade your online reputation before job hunting

Since the expansive growth of technology and the internet, it seems that practically everything is happening online nowadays and this includes searching for a job. When looking for a career in today’s fast paced, lightning speed of the world wide web, you need to concentrate your search on a digital level. Should you retake tests?…


Top 5 platforms to set students’ homework online

In 2015, Ofsted stated in their published handbook they were looking to judge schools on whether ‘pupils are set challenging goals, given their starting points, and are making good progress towards meeting or exceeding these’. Essentially this means teachers need to be able to not only help their class progress, but keep documentation of it,…


Top college degrees in science today

  Science degrees are always a popular choice for students in college. Having said this, I think that now is a better time than ever, to pursue an academic degree in one of many different fields offered online and on campus. New developments in the environment and in the world of business, have opened the…