Common Core


Class learning with BrainPOP

BrainPOP was founded in 1999, and ever since then it is used to create animated, curricular content that engages students, supports educators, and bolsters achievement. They have been awarded many times and have won valuable awards on online educational resources. Some of the things they can be proud of are:


DreamBox: the future of learning math

It is a well proven fact that students can succeed in math, no matter where they start, where they live, or who they are. At the same time every teacher, principal, and parent wants the children in their care to realize this potential. However, every child must be challenged, encouraged, and engaged in her or…


Top 6 amazing websites to polish up your math skills online

Sometimes, students need more than just classroom teaching to completely understand different concepts and formulas of math. Just like social life has evolved with the advancement in technology, methods of teaching and learning have also evolved. If you think that your children or students need to pay more attention to math, you can simply get…