

1,000,000 Free online CLEP Prep Courses

Education portal offers free video courses to help students prepare for exams, that will earn them college credit. They have reached a million students in its first year of operation. The portal is organized by selecting: – degree – school – career or – course with a comprehensive number of items in each of the…


Career enhancement through distance learning training

Career training via distance learning is trending. Local community college and high schools have adult education courses and continuing education for the purpose of instructing the individuals in their career opportunities through career training.


2 ways to prevent online students cheating

Taking a university exam from home, under the watchful eye of a webcam, with software profiling your keystrokes is the equally good manner of gaining an education, as if going to college or university. Online university courses are the Next Big Thing for higher education This trend is present in many developed and developing countries. It is…