
POWER: Everybody wants it, has it, but DOES NOT use it!

Let’s say that power begins in controlling something, but then the question rises- are we powerless prior to controlling it?

There are no true and false answers – it can be both Yes and No!

We have the potential, which is a power in itself, but if it is unused and undirected potential then it is NOTHING.
Out of this, the question rises – Are we powerless prior to controlling?
What I would say it that we are not powerless, but more of an ignorant. (Which of course is a version of powerlessness!!)

There are numerous situations when we don’t know that we have the power and we don’t know to test it.
However, the end of all powerlessness begins with the awareness.

For example, a Samurai Warrior would learn this by practicing a meditation of sitting on the top of a mountain with his arm extended and sword pointing skyward in a position ready to fall. He would then meditate on that fleeting moment, when a balanced piece of metal would turn into an unpredictable falling/killing weapon. His awareness was on the potential of the weapon, when he learned that he could study the application of it’s power.

The questions we need to answer are:

What is actually a power?
What is like to be power like?
How great is the power?
Where is the power now?

The answers would be:
To Know.
To Will.
To Dare.
To Keep silent.

All these questions and answers above were the powers of the Sphinx and they remain dormant in all of us, to one degree or another.

It is a fact : You don’t know what you don’t know. This is why you must seek knowledge in whatever realm you wish to control.

You must -Will- and –Dare- to use that knowledge.

What about -To keep silent?
This is where the power turns to craft! It is the most subtle application of power. It is so subtle, that it may seem that things are all happening in your favor, when actually they happen by your design.

The bolder ones, resting precariously on a cliff, a bow string pulled tight, have a quality of potential force. The Chinese strategist, Sun Tsu, called this “shih” – with just the right action and the force is unleashed.

It is a fact that the silent art of power and control is to see the potential force in everything and arrange it in a manner that, if released, it works in your favor.

The keys to this power are to know what you want far in future and to know it in rich and glorious detail. Then you have to develop a precise and detailed plan to your goal and to meditate upon it day-in and day-out. By having this thought constantly on your mind, you will function with the greatest efficiency toward your goal.

You will see the world about and you will know “This action will lead me to my goal. – or – This action will lead me nowhere.”

I must admit that task is unnatural for most of us, as our natural tendency to focus on the thoughts of the present and to respond to the urgencies at hand is more present in ourselves. To master this skill, we must alter our thinking and see every action that we perform, as an act of manipulating “shih”.

If you do this then you will be the height of Sphinx-like power and this will make you seem magical as if you control the forces of nature.

Once that you master the power control you would be able to reach almost anything you want. The education is power and by gaining the power, you would be able to learn whatever you are determined to.

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