
Top tips in writing a resume

A resume needs to stand out right away while retaining that professional look to your potential employer. I will give you the two best tips, from my experience in writing an excellent resume.

• Objective
First and foremost is the objective. Your objective needs to be at the top, right underneath your contact information. This is the most important part of your resume, although it is more often than not completely left out. That is a big mistake.
In your objective, you need to spell out exactly what you’re looking to do in your career or what your employer is looking for, as they have listed in the job description. This is where you need to be very bold and most confident, giving your best skills and capabilities as tailored to what the employer is looking for. This part of the resume needs to be the most dynamic, as it should usually be different when applying to multiple lines of work.

• Style
The aesthetics is as equally important, if not more important than the objective. This is because you want to attract the eye of the employer, who is more than likely looking through hundreds of resumes for the job. The employer needs to see your CV, so how do we accomplish this?

First, which is the best way to format your resume? If you’ve been highly successful in one career-line of work and you’re looking for a new job in the same line of work, then it is best to format it like this:
o Contact Information, Objective, Education, Work Experience, Skills and Achievements
If you’re more like me and have had several different jobs in the past 5 years that are completely different from each other, you may want to format it like this:
o Contact Information, Objective, Skills and Achievements, Education, Work Experience
If you want to place emphasis on the skills, they want to see most by incorporating them into the beginning of the resume.
Second, you want to use a good font, that’s easy on the eye, like Arial or Verdana. A big mistake is using a font that stands out too much and is too difficult to read. When trying to figure out a styled format, I think looking up sample resumes is the best way to go. I know that Microsoft Word has a selection of pre-set resumes that can help you get started, but this is one of my favorite samples that I often go back to: Career center
If you’re printing the CV, you want to use weighted paper in white, ivory or grey. When faxing, make sure you use plain white paper. If you are emailing, definitely convert your file into a pdf format.
Through the years, I have realized that these tips have been the most important in helping me land that job interview, apply for an educational scholarship or introduce my skills in front of a non-profit.

I know I have provided you with tested and proven tips and tricks in order to get you hired!

About the Author:

Mohit Jain writes for the job portal SubmitResume, providing job seekers and employers access to an infinite number of resumes and free job postings. If you are looking for job sites offering free job postings check out this website.

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