
Develop effective study skills

Studying can often be difficult. Not everyone can read their revision notes or information from a book and remember it straight away. Studying isn’t magic, it takes time to understand the work. It takes dedication, time and hard work. Developing effective study skills takes time and effort. But if you are dedicated and have the right attitude, you can become a successful student with excellent study skills.

Studying is different for everyone, one method may work for you but another may be better for your friend. Developing effective study skills will include trial and error of different study methods to see what works best for you. Study skills help you study and learn efficiently and can be developed to meet your own individual needs. They are not specific to a subject but can be used when studying any area at school, college or later in life.

The basics of studying are knowing the concepts, theories, ideas and techniques around a specific subject, however, it is down to you on how to study, learn and remember this through study skills. Below you will find ways by Wonderlic Test Prep to develop your study skills.


Asking questions is one of the most effective ways to study and learn. By asking questions about a subject it shows that you understand the concept and have enough knowledge to form questions about the information and want to know more. Asking questions can help you understand the concept or theory in more detail.


When you have learnt a specific concept or idea, write a review of it. This can be a summary or abstract and helps you think about what you have learnt enough to summarise the key points. When completing a review you can reread the information you have covered and it is a great chance to see if there is anything you missed.


Talking to someone about the topic you are currently studying is an effective way to improve your study skills. A lot of people often learn new information and keep it in their head however by talking about it, it allows students to develop their knowledge and understand it further.


To develop effective study skills you have to actively study by carrying out study processes and practising. Practising is key to learning and remembering information. Many people remember certain and specific pieces of information by practising and repeating the information out loud or writing it down.


Making a schedule or timeline for studying is an effective way to study and is definitely a skill that needs to be developed. Not everyone can be good at managing time. To be successful at studying, good time management is definitely needed. Being organised is the first step to developing effective study skills and helps you know what you need to learn and when you can work/revise.

When and where to study?

It is important to study somewhere that is allowing you to fully concentrate and be comfortable. To develop good study skills you need to be in a comfortable place that it not too hot or cold, with a desk and chair, is quiet and has little to no distractions. Choosing when to study is also important. If you’re not a morning person then choose to work later in the day and do more hours on an evening. Make a plan/schedule to ensure you study everything you need to know in plenty of time and take breaks to avoid procrastination.



Author: Mike is the content manager of Wonderlic Test Prep. He likes to stay up to the speed with education and related topics and has been contributing in the same since a decade now.




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