
5 Ways Internet of Things will change education


The Internet is now available to us in several more ways than just our computers on smartphones. Many of us already have smart TVs. In the near future, we can look forward to ordering what we need directly from our refrigerator, or let our cars drive us where we want to go. Obviously, this will change our lives in many ways.

As with all technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) has a great impact on the education system within the modern world. Below are just a few ways in which this would happen:

  • Using devices for automated tasks

Today, the students are used to having their smartphones at all times. They like to use them more frequently in the classroom. This is because they have become used to tasks being easier with the Internet and smart devices.

Many students already use their laptops for note-taking. Other tasks, such as schedule-making and research, are also set to become easier with the IoT. Hence, many schools have now switched to the ‘smart’ system of reusable technology. They provide the students with laptops and tablets.

Even if a school is old, it can have tech installed through smart sensors and control panels. This would enable the administration to reuse the laptops and tablets left behind by old students. In the long run, this would greatly help in reducing the operating costs and the carbon footprint of the school.

  • Learning outside the classroom

In the olden days, students had to go to the library, borrow books, and copy out information for schoolwork. However, with smart technology, they can easily have an enhanced educational experience within their own home. This can supplement their classroom education and also make sure they get the updated information at all levels.

An encyclopaedia printed in the 1980’s would not have enough or accurate information for a school project today. Now, students are able to look up and verify any information in a matter of seconds. This ensures that they would not fall behind the rest of the world or pick up a wrong ‘fact’.

  • Efficient teaching process

The connected technology surge means that teachers and professors would be able to grade much more quickly. Their checking/grading would also become easier, more efficient, and less biased. When educators have devices connected to the cloud just like their students’, they would be in better touch. Teachers could thus see which student needs more attention and concern.  

Other processes that smart technology helps with are lesson plan-making, adjusting schedules, etc. With these tasks taken over by smart and connected devices, teachers could focus on their teaching and research more.  

  • Special education

If anyone has even a slight interest in the education of special children, they would know the huge role of technology here. Autistic children respond very well to tablets, as well as those with other disorders. Those with dyslexia, ADHD, or other learning disabilities are greatly helped by any and all technology at their disposal.

Along with this, smart schools would also have a system for educating people about such students. As a result, the general public would be more open and understanding of these special individuals.  It would become easier for special children to function well in a neutral environment, as well as on their own.

  • Safety

With campuses and the general student bodies becoming larger and larger each day, schedules are important. Parents now want to make sure their children aren’t in any place where they might come to harm. When bus schedules and timetables are regulated through smart technology, there is a more secure system.

There would be less chance of a child being left behind due to lack of knowledge about a bus schedule. Additionally, parents could also track their children on their way to and from school, as well as on field trips.

Wrapping up…

The IoT will change our lives through intense connectivity. Some people may be wary of this progress, but there is no doubt it is useful. Education is necessary for everyone, and the IoT can make the experience much better. It is up to us and our children to make sure it is used to its full potential.

Author :

Priscilla Ellie is the writer of this blog. She has a Master’s degree in Computer Science and works in the panel of Assignment Corp in UK as Senior Academic Writer. She is passionate about good food and interesting places.

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