
4 Fantastic schooling options that break the mould


As time goes on, more and more educational avenues become available. If you are looking for a distinctive school, be sure to seek accredited programs that partner well with family goals and values. Also think about your needs and priorities for time demands, the money involved, and educational goals. Read on for some outstanding school options.

Arts magnet schools

This type of school caters to children and youth who show particular talent and interest in the fine arts. Teachers are therefore specialized and artistic talent is cultivated. There are many opportunities to develop and hone performing arts abilities and practice schedules and class demands tend to be intense. Arts magnet schools come in all formats including those linked to public schools and those that are private boarding school set ups. Arts magnet schools linked to free public schools often have rigorous application and selection processes involving test scores and other criteria. Some application processes also include a lottery system. Check with the guidelines in your state to determine if your child may apply for more than one magnet school simultaneously.

Online public homeschooling

Another school option is online public homeschooling. This option allows parents to remain primary home educators while also having access to and guidance from state certified teachers. Grade level lesson plans are provided and online resources and classes are usually a key program component as well. Traditional homeschooling generally involves parents purchasing their own curriculum and supplies, as well as determining class resources and lessons. Curriculum and often personal computers are provided by online public homeschool programs. Certified teachers usually conduct state assessments in this type of program, and an administrative and technological team is also available to enrolled families.

Dual enrollment courses

The appeal of completing coursework that not only meets high school graduation requirements but also earns college credit it high. This type of program is becoming more and more popular since high school students get a preview and taste for college coursework while still living at home. There are options to complete this kind of coursework in person or online. Earning early college credits in this way tends to be cost effective and helpful in deciding a major and sticking with it. Do early research to find out which courses qualify, how many courses your student can take per semester, and when deadlines are.

Wilderness education programs

Some outdoor schools provide part time nature immersion programs targeted at home school students. This setting and focus eliminate the distractions of technology, social media, drugs and alcohol, as well as negative peer influences. Survival skills are beneficial and wilderness schools tend to raise physical fitness levels, as well as self-confidence levels. Latent abilities and character traits often emerge during this type of life changing program. Search for an accredited program with experienced licensed instructors. You can also inquire about logistics and safety plans and elements. The appeal of practical work, rather than busy work is often very appealing to youth and their families, whether they seek the program, as a supplemental immersion experience or as nature focused behaviour modification educational avenue.

Don’t hesitate to explore non-conformist school options. There are many such school programs that meet high accountability and assessment standards in original ways. Think about your child’s educational needs and decide which program most allows him or her to broaden knowledge and flourish overall. Society benefits from resourceful, fruitful individuals and an attitude of improvement and a thirst for knowledge makes life more enjoyable.



Rachelle Wilber

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